Monday, March 2, 2009

Do you know the true value of money?


A wise business person once told me that a dollar is most valuable when you need it the most.

If you think of it that statement couldn’t be more true. When you are facing foreclosure, cutoff notices, facing a job cut, not being able to put food on the table, etc.; any kind of money can seem like the biggest windfall in the world! If that money helps ease your pain for a short time, then it was pretty valuable.

Since I know many of us are struggling out there, and an extra few hundred dollars each week can help us all I am excited to introduce to you a powerful program called Rapid Cash Marketing.

This system takes you by the hand and shows you several proven methods for generating money in a few days rather than a few months. The creators of this program Jeff Wellman, Dixie Brown, and Paul Counts have perfected this system just for you because they know how important getting money fast is for you.

They have taken several students through this course material and have had great success from students who are reporting $300 made in one day, students finally making their very first dollar online, students making $572.81 in their spare time, and even students paying their utility bills!

These students have figured out the keys to making rapid cash, so what about you? How important is that dollar to you?

Make it a successful day!

Lucia Mitro simon

Warning: This opportunity won’t be around forever! You can make the money you need, just take action now!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

He is back..........

My friends...

Remember my experience @ James A Ray Free event last September?

Well he is back in Philadelphia area on Mach 4, 2009 (King of Prussia).

This is truly incredible chance to see this beautiful soul up close for free.

Hope to see you there.

For more information please visit here:

James Ray Events

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Hey ,

Do you know what makes me hopeful?

I'll tell you in a second, but first ...

Ask anyone around the world and it's quite clear:

Night before last the world, together, was given a renewed
sense of hope.

It doesn't matter where you're from, what you believe in,
who you voted for as an American. Some moments bring the
world together and that was one of them.

I personally don't agree with all of Obama's policies, but
I agree with the message he gave the world in his acceptance
speech: peace, liberty, and hope for the future ...

Those are ideas we can *all* get behind.

What really makes me hopeful is that I live in a time where
great information from true visionaries can make its way
to so many people - all through the power of technology.

For example ...

Tonight at 8PM Eastern Mark Joyner's "Kaizen Club" goes live:

If you don't know Mark, you should ... He has been referred
to as "one of the most important minds of the 21st century"
by news agencies and scholars and his books are read
throughout the globe in 20 different languages.

What Mr. Joyner is offering there fits perfectly with this
wonderful moment in history.

Kaizen is, in fact, about hope. It is a system of changing
your life that is so easy and unstoppable that it's hard not
to be filled with optimism.

If you haven't yet read the back story (and the hundreds
upon hundreds of responses from people), check out the blog:

This is truly a great time to be alive.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

All Souls Day

All Souls Day

This weekend many people celebrate All souls day.

I use to love this celebration. Growing up in little village in the middle of Karpaty mountains, I loved to go to cemetery with my grad mom and keep the graves nice, put flowers and burn candles.

Especially on All Souls Day.

The graves were covered with flowers and light of candles. In the evening when I was walking towards the cemetery and I looked at the Cross in front of the church, I could see the light from all of the candles creating like a halo above the cross. It was so mesmerizing.

I remember walking towards cemetery with my parents, brother and many neighbors in snow. The cemetery was always full with people burning candles on graves of family and friends sending some love and prayers. I loved to feel this connection, but father could not wait to get out. I never understood it.

And then my Grandpa past and 6 months latter my Father. I suddenly understood why my Father did not want to spend any time at the cemetery. I felt my grandpa and my father were always around me until I went to cemetery and saw their graves. The graves were reminders that they are gone.

Since my Grandpa and my father past 19 years ago a lot of friends and family members crossed over. I used to say that I have more friends on other side that I have here.

Since I moved to USA 12 years ago I did not have an opportunity to visit on All souls Day.

I miss it. I miss the mix of energies of love, appreciation, pain and hope.

It is a beautiful holiday.

To all the souls on “the other side”: I love you.


My Father

Thursday, October 30, 2008

World Wealth® Extravaganza

Have you heard of World Wealth Society?

Explanation on their website states:

” We are world thought leaders with the unified purpose of bringing true Harmonic Wealth® to the world and thereby transforming the planet. We accomplish this by committing to the evolution of ourselves individually as well as the entire world. Through Consciousness, Communication and Community, we are examples of possibility to the world by building harmonious and wealthy relationships with ourselves, our families, our local communities, the world-wide community and with the entire planet.”

Would you like to belong?

You can attend the World Wealth® Extravaganza

Just clink on the picture below now

World Wealth Extravaganza

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Drislak coming to USA

Hello My fellow Slovaks

Drislak is coming to USA

please see the dates below.

Drislak is a comedian band from Easter Slovakia and they are my Friends. You can lose 10 pounds at one evening with them by laughing so hard. If you speak Slovak or have someone to translate, do not miss this opportunity.

You can get some songs here

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Shock of my life

I went to see James Arthur Ray today.

I know of James for a few years, met him personally once before, know his story and follow his teachings.

His Harmonic Wealth presentation was exceptional, inspiring and eye opening. He is so funny and strait on, gets you to think and will not take any excuses. He will tell you as it is and hits right where it matters.

Any body who make decision to take his/her life in his/her own hands should know him.

I went to see him after presentation, stood in long line of people who wanted take picture, get book sighed. I went there to Thank him and of course to take a picture with him. When I got to him, my voice was shaking and I barley can make any noise.
I thanked him for the person he is and the way he is helping and inspiring millions of people. I thanked him from bottom of my heart.

And then he spoke…… If he smacked me across the face, kicked me and punch me in a stomach, I would not be more shocked as I was when I listen him to say:

‘You know, I am just a reflection of you,

You learned that tonight”

Here I am -- standing in front of man I greatly respect and adore, man who inspire millions to live harmonic healthy life and he is telling me he is my reflection?

I felt like time stopped, my brain failed to think and I gave him a stare. Eventually, I picked my marbles and managed to take a picture. You can see how surprised I look))

It was a life altering moment for me. His words deeply affected me on many levels.

It was like a lighting bolt went though me. Suddenly I felt strong.

Thank you James,

You have just changed my life forever.

You can learn more about his teaching here:

Harmonic Wealth Weekend