Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Secret of Mark Joyner

The one and only Mark Joyner is hiding something from us, something big.

I have an inside information that this will cause a big contravention.

As I know Mr. Mark it surly will. 989 comments on his blog so far prove it.....

Do not miss the boat and fun.....

For more clues go to now.

With Love Always

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ask James Ray

James Ray is a person I admire and respect. I had the privilege to meet him in person. You can read about him more on my website He is doing a conference call and YOU can ask him a question. He is what he sent me.

What are you doing on Wednesday?

If you have 70 minutes to spare this Wednesday, September 12th, I'd love to have you join me for a special, LIVE teleseminar!
If you could ask me your single, most burning question, what would it be?

Well, this is your opportunity to do so... to ask me absolutely anything.
I'm going to answer as many questions as I possibly can during this content-rich seminar. I'm really leaving the content up to you... whatever you want to hear about... anything you'd like to ask, I'll talk about!

Whatever we end up discussing, I promise you'll be provided with tons of practical, impactful strategies that you can start using in your life immediately to create phenomenal results.
The best part is, the call is absolutely free to join...
To ask me your question and get access to the live teleseminar on September 12th, visit (By the way, I'm even offering a replay of the call just in case you have a schedule conflict during the live version.)
Visit for details and to ask me your burning question.

To your continued wealth and happiness,
James Arthur RayPresident/CEOJames Ray International