Monday, May 28, 2007

Feed a hungry child by downloading a free report

Do you know Stephen Pierce? I hope you do but if not it is not imortant. What is important is that he is doing something amazing now. Read on :

Hey there, it's Stephen Pierce. You may or may not have heard of me, but that's not important right now...
No, I don't have an incredible job offer in the British Isles or a Nigerian bank vault with your name on it.
All I have is one question...
Feeling hungry?
My guess is yes. Chances are, you'll be running to the snack machine to grab a candy bar soon. Or hitting the drive through for a combo meal. Or possibly sitting down to a nice dinner at home with the family.
Whatever it is, you have the capacity to quiet your hunger pains with very little effort, correct?
Great. Now hang on to that thought for a moment...
Because right now, there's more than 850 million people hungry in the world. Right now. This very second.
850 million That's 100 times the population of New York City, folks.
And I don't mean "Boy I sure got the munchies" hungry.
This is "I haven't eaten one bite of food in days"
hungry. The type you and I have never, ever experienced.
Not even CLOSE.
Think that's shocking? What 'til you hear this...
Before morning, 16,000 kids around the world will drop dead from starvation.
Newborns. Babies. Toddlers. Grade schoolers. Teenagers.
All fresh, young faces looking for a chance to make their mark in the world.
But they won't. Because after weeks of pain, weakness, and suffering, they'll finally succumb to the slow, horrible death of starvation.
And here's the worst part--that's just TODAY.
Tomorrow, there will be another 16,000 dead children to take their place.
And the next day.
And the next day.
And the next.
Am I getting through to you yet?
>From now until Tuesday, May 29, my goal is to put food
in the bellies of 1,000,000 children around the world.
Don't worry--I'm not going to go all Sally Struthers on you here. I'm not asking for anything except a few seconds of your time.
In fact, I'm going to give YOU something fr*e, just for helping out. Here's how it works:
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Download my fr*e success report called The Power Of The Third Influence Step 3: I'll donate a plate of food to Feed The Children on your behalf.
That's it. You download. I donate. Simple as that.
And with your few seconds of effort, a little child will go to bed with a full stomach.
How can you pass that up?
Inside this success report you'll discover...
* How I went from having 2-cents to my name to
earning millions of dollars online.

* How to turn around your life with a simple shift
of association.

* How to double your productivity and get more of
the right things done.
And much more.
It's all yours--fr*e for the taking. Just go to the website, download it, and I put another plate of food in front of a hungry little face.
All because of you.
72 hours. 1 million kids fed. We can do it--but you gotta help me.
This is your chance to really make a difference. As a parent...a grandparent...a brother...a sister...a friend.
All I'm asking is for one simple download, and I'll do the rest. In fact, I don't even care if you read my report.
Will The Power Of The Third Influence inspire you?
Will it make you think? Absolutely.
Will you be closer to achieving personal success after reading it? I believe so.
But the real power behind this report is not in what it will do for you, but what it will do for a million hungry kids.
All I'm asking is that you take 10 seconds to download it. 10 seconds and a hungry child gets to eat.
Isn't that worth 10 seconds of your time?
Right this minute, there's 16,000 kids that won't live to see tomorrow morning...unless something changes.
We might not be able to save them all. But with God's help--and yours--we'll save a bunch of them.
Can I count on you? Or more to the point...
Can they?
**Note From Lucia**
Hey Guys, I have personally contributed to this cause, and I back it 100% get the report ( you may contact me perssonaly if you have a problem)- it will help more than you can imagine Thanks -Lucia

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