Wednesday, May 9, 2007

It is Ok to be human.........

We all know that we need to stay positive and think happy thoughts but sometimes it is almost impossible. I am a big believer in “law of attraction” however I have my moments to. …….I feel low, lost and helpless……and I feel guilty for feeling that way when I know I should control my thoughts. Well, easer said that done.

I had one of “my moments” again this Sunday. I just could not shake this feelings of helplessness again. Whatever I did was not working.
And then I got an email from Dr. Joe Vitale (Author of way too many books to mention, including the bestsellers "The Attractor Factor ) directing me to read his latest blog post.

I read this post with tears running down my face like Niagara.
I went from feeling pain and helplessness to be overwhelmed by love and hope whiten minutes.

If you want to see why, go to his blog

1 comment:

Kenneth Tan said...

Thanks for posting joe's blog.

It was a real inspiring lesson to me.

Be a Victor! what a reminder!

I recently also read a Bob Proctor article where he shared about the practical tips to attract what we want.

It's full of simple but profound insights.

check it out at

Attract Miracles.